Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gramp's flowers....

These beautiful bunch of dried flower's are from my Grandpa's casket. Family was told to take some flowers as to remember grandpa. I took some I could dry on purpose to keep as long as I could.

My Grandpa Ed was a very special grandpa. Lot's of childhood memories. It was sad to loose him this year. But he was so frail and he's in a better place. He really loved his Jesus. He loved purple, deep purple especially. That's another reason I love these flowers.

Will miss you Gramp's! We love you dearly!

Sarah Fox

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The company "Truffles".

Okay, dear friends...let me tell ya I know a great business for cakes, cake balls, and many other goodies. It's called "Truffles ". And let me tell you, they are Fab-U-LOUS! I know you wont be disappointed by their goodies, and treats. They have a fan page on face book, so check them out. Here are a few pictures of some yummy cupcakes with oreos, that give you some good chocolate goodness and will please that chocolate craving with that vanilla taste as well. Yum! They do stuff for showers, events, etc! Defiantly check them out!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Home decorating projects & garden...

So, I've had these awful gross pillows that need replacing and I thought, well I cant afford to just go buy a bunch of new pillows but perhaps find a way to make pillow covers, and saw a example online for a idea on envelope pillow covers. I didn't use a pattern, I just kinda studied it a little and its probably not perfect but was able to make a few so far. By taking old covers off, and putting new ones on. Here is the sample of that. Then a photograph of my garden in the garden box! I will share more photo's later... Have a good day!

Monday, August 1, 2011

When life gives ya lemons...

When life gives ya lemons make lemonade!! A good statement and I guess you could take the meaning in many ways, but usually it's about making the best out of a hard situation, bad day, etc! I'm definitely far from perfect when it comes to being positive about a hard situation, but I'm working at it... A thought of the day. I also heard from someone, to end this on a silly note. Another way to phrase it is. "When life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand chocolate." ha ha!